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Crisis Management Plan

 The school division's crisis management planning incorporates the four phases of emergency planning

  1. Mitigation/prevention - actions that decrease the likelihood an incident will occur or lessen the impact if an incident occurs
  2. Preparedness - actions taken before an emergency occurs to facilitate a rapid, coordinated and effective response
  3. Response - actions taken to manage a critical incident
  4. Recovery - actions taken to return to a normal routine 

To enhance and maintain the safety and security of our schools, the school division implements many programs and initiatives. Among them are the following:

  • A comprehensive Code of Student Conduct is provided to each student and is consistently enforced
  • Bullying prevention programs are in place in middle and elementary schools
  • School Security Officers assigned to each elementary school and School Security Officers and School Resource Officers are assigned to each middle and high school 
  • Drug prevention and intervention programs are part of the school curriculum
  • Each school has a threat assessment team, and threat assessments are conducted as needed
  • Visitor access is controlled
  • School safety audits are conducted at each school annually
  • Drills are conducted throughout the school year, including lock down, shelter in place, tornado, earthquake, fire/evacuation, and bus evacuation
  • Each school has a Crisis Management Team
  • Emergency communications systems are in our schools and on school buses
  • Security cameras are in schools, on school grounds, and on school buses

In compliance with Virginia law (§22.1-279.8), Fauquier County Public Schools has developed a written crisis, emergency management and medical emergency response plan. The School Board reviews the plan annually. The plan contains procedures, operations and assignments to prevent, manage and respond to critical events and emergencies, including

  • Accident at School
  • Activity Trip Preparedness
  • Allergic Reaction
  • Angry Parent/Guardian/Visitor
  • Animal Disturbance
  • Bomb Threat
  • Bus/Vehicle Accident
  • Death/Suicide
  • Earthquake
  • Exposures & Decontamination
  • Fire or Explosion
  • Gas Leak
  • Hazardous Materials/Chemicals Spill or Release
  • High Water
  • Hostage Situation
  • Hostage Situation School Bus
  • Intruder/Trespassers
  • Medical Emergencies /Severe Injury or Illness
  • Severe Weather/Tornado
  • Sexual Assault
  • Shooting/Stabbing/Serious Injury
  • Student Disturbance
  • Student Runaway, Disappearance or Abduction
  • Utility Failure
  • Vandalism
  • Violence on School Property
  • Weapons Threats/Violence on Campus