In a series of celebrations, the senior classes of Fauquier High School, Kettle Run High School, and Liberty High School recently marked a significant milestone in their journeys—high school graduation.
The commencement festivities began on Friday, May 17, at Southeastern Alternative School, where 17 graduates were applauded in a special ceremony, highlighting each student’s unique journey. Amidst an intimate gathering of teachers and peers, each graduate received personalized recognition, a testament to their perseverance and growth.
Fauquier High School bid farewell to 297 graduates on Tuesday, May 21, with a ceremony on Kelican Field. Special guests from the Kelican family honored the occasion, making it an unforgettable event. Each graduate of Fauquier High School was presented with a dollar bill along with their diploma, symbolizing their first earnings as high school graduates.
Reflecting on the FHS Class of 2024’s experiences, Billy Brooks, FHS Senior Class President, remarked, "I have no doubt, the next years will be the best years having learned so much from our experiences with each other. Surrounding our lives with positive relationships and staying focused on what matters the most are going to bring the best into our experiences going forward. With four years of change under our belts, I believe we are prepared to take on what's next."
At Kettle Run High School's ceremony on Thursday, May 23, the atmosphere was electric as 292 seniors were greeted with applause at Jiffy Lube Live. The excitement was palpable, with students and staff alike beaming from ear to ear in anticipation of the day’s events.
Hannah Cosby, KRHS Senior Class President, shared advice with her peers, urging them to embrace their individual paths. "Whatever your post-grad plans are—whether that be staying local or traveling across the country, joining the military or starting a family, working a trade or starting a business—Be careful not to measure yourself by another’s standards. All of us are different people, with different minds and different talents, and it’s incredibly important to know that your journey and your life are completely unique."
Later that day, Liberty High School cheered on their 356 graduates in a ceremony, also at Jiffy Lube Live. The ceremony was filled with student celebrations, memorable speeches and even an impromptu musical performance.
Bonnie Quansah, LHS SCA Senior Class President, offered words of encouragement, saying, "As you all leave high school and move on to greater things, do not be discouraged by setbacks and challenges. It's okay to feel your heart ache. It's okay to be in agony. One thing that I have learned is that every time you fall down, there will always be someone out there to help you back up."
Throughout the ceremonies, themes of unity, resilience, perseverance, and gratitude reverberated through speeches and performances. The graduation celebrations were filled with words of wisdom, entertainment, and an outpouring of support, each moment filled with a sense of collective pride and accomplishment.
As "Pomp and Circumstance" played its final notes, tassels were turned, and caps soared into the sky, the graduates of Fauquier County embarked on a new chapter—one filled with boundless opportunities and unwavering encouragement. May the lessons learned, friendships forged, and memories made guide the Class of 2024 toward a future brimming with success and fulfillment. Congratulations to the graduates of Fauquier High School, Kettle Run High School, and Liberty High School—may your futures shine as brightly as your spirits do today.