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Fauquier County Public Schools’ Mobile App

Signing up for our district app is easy. The FCPS mobile app is free available now for download from Apple and Google Play stores.

Follow these three easy steps:

1. On your smartphone, go to the iTunes App Store or Google Play

2. Search Fauquier County Public Schools

3. Then select our Fauquier County Public Schools app for free download

4. Select Choose from list

5. Select schools you would like to follow

The home screen will display the latest news, events, and notifications.

Welcome screen
Choose schools


Scroll to the right and you will be presented with access to news, calendars, lunch menus, lates buses, BB Student, Campus Portal, My SchoolBucks, and more.

mobil apps


You are able to follow schools and other school info under the Settings icon. This information will appear under your News/Activity Stream icon.

Settings menu
follow schools