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Mass Notify Staff FAQs

Employee/Staff Data in Mass Notify

The Mass Notify System uses data from Fauquier County e-Portal for employee contact information (email addresses and phone numbers).

It is important that employees verify and update their contact information through Fauquier ePortal to avoid the risk of not receiving notifications.

To review your information or to make changes, log in to your Fauquier ePortal account. Please remember that your username is your first initial, last name and last four digits of your social security number (jsmithXXXX). After logging in, follow the steps below to review your contact information:

  1. Select Employee Self Service
  2. Select Personal Information

From here you may review the home address, email address, phone number(s) and emergency contact(s) currently on file for you. Please verify and update, if necessary, the following information:

E-Mail Address – this should be your FCPS email address. Please do not enter another employees email.

Alternate E-Mail Address – this should be a personal email account, if you have one.
Telephone Numbers

Primary – this should be your home phone or primary phone number. This may also be a cell number. We strongly suggest you add your cell number again as a type of 'mobile' to be assured you get a text message.

If you do not have any other phone number listed, you may wish to add your mobile phone number.

  1.  Select  Add Telephone Number
  2.  For Type select  MOBILE
  3.  Enter the phone number and a description.

Frequently Asked Questions

Phone/Voice Calls

Why am I not getting phone calls?

Your Primary number (home phone) needs to be updated in e-Portal or a cell or mobile number needs to be added.

Why am I getting two phone calls or multiple calls?

Primary numbers and cell numbers are being called for staff.

You may be a staff member as well as a parent, and if so, you may get two calls if the messages are slightly different.

What contact preferences are used and how?

We have the following default settings.

  1. Home Phone or Primary Number
  2. Cell Mobile phone
  3. Primary email 
  4. Secondary email

Text Messaging for Emergency School Closings and Delays and General Notifications

Why did I get a text message?

Your cell phone number was in Munis e-portal when we pulled data for import into Blackboard Mass Notify.

Why didn’t I get a text message?

Your cell phone number was not in Munis e-portal when we pulled data for import into Blackboard Mass Notify. Please add it to e-Portal by following the instructions above.

You may also text "opt-in" to short code 54968 for emergency and or 60680 for general notifications.

Some carriers turn short code ability off by default. Please check with your carrier.

How do I stop text messaging?

Simply reply with "STOP" and a confirmation will be sent back.


If you are still experiencing some issues, please enter a SysAid ticket for Assistance with Mass Notify or contact system admin Patty Allen or call at 540-422-7007.