Why am I not getting Phone calls, Text messages, or Emails
Not receiving phone calls, emails, or text messages from Fauquier County Public Schools? You may have opted out. The instructions below to opt back in from any phone or text message.
You will have to call your school regarding emails.
Not receiving emails from Fauquier County Public Schools?
We have reports of FCPS email going directly to some parents’ SPAM folders, causing parents to miss our messages. When your email provider receives a message for you, it will examine it to try to determine if it is a “good” message. If they are unsure, they will put the message in your SPAM folder. We use third-party email providers for group messages, and sometimes legitimate email gets caught and is sent directly to your SPAM folder. To facilitate your receipt of email from Fauquier County Public Schools, please check your SPAM folder and “whitelist” addresses commonly used by Fauquier County Public Schools:
Instructions for whitelisting are available from your email provider. For your convenience, we have identified whitelisting instructionsfor Google, Yahoo, Outlook, and Comcast/Xfinity; for AOL, see AOL whitelisting; to whitelist Hotmail and Other emails, see Hotmail and Others.
The links referenced are:
- https://www.lifewire.com/how-to-whitelist-email-addresses-4588603
- https://www.thebalancecareers.com/how-do-i-whitelist-email-sender-or-a-domain-in-aol-3515039
- https://support.service2client.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/69/6/how-to-whitelist-gmail-yahoo-outlook-aol-hotmail-centurylink-thunderbird--other-email-clients