Administering Medications
In accordance with Policy 7-5.3, the Fauquier County School Board affirms its position that in order to prevent possible harm to students and possible liability on the part of the School Board and its employees, all school personnel are prohibited from administering to students treatments for injuries or medication for illnesses with exceptions as noted in this policy. For purposes of this policy, medication shall mean any drug including all prescription and over-the-counter drugs. The only exceptions to this policy are non-medicated lip balm, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, and saline solution, which may be carried by students without parental permission.
When medication or first aid is administered by school personnel, procedures will be followed which protect the health and safety of the student (Virginia School Health Guidelines, Manual for the Training of Public School Employees in the Administration of Medication-2nd Edition).
To maintain awareness on the part of professional staff members, the Fauquier County School Division will provide annual training on the subject of administering medication, diabetes, and blood borne pathogens consistent with guidelines established by the Virginia Department of Education as well as staff development on the subject of temporary aid according to local policy and procedures.
Each school building has a school health room equipped to treat students.
Prescription Medications
FCPS personnel may give prescription medication to students only with a physician's written order and written permission from the student's parent or guardian (Form 7-5.3(A)F1). The order must include the name of the medicine, the dosage, the time, the amount, and the duration of the order. Such medicine must be in the original pharmacy labeled container and delivered to the principal, school nurse, or School Division designee by the parent/guardian of the student unless other arrangements have been made.
Non-Prescription Medications
FCPS personnel may give non-prescription medication to students only with the written permission of the parent or guardian (Form 7-5.3(A)F1). Such permission shall include the name of the medication, the required dosage of the medication, and the reason the medicine is to be given. Such medicine must be in the original unopened container and delivered to the principal, school nurse, clinic attendant, or School Division designee by the parent/guardian of the student unless other arrangements have been made. In order for a non-prescription medication to be given to a student for more than ten consecutive days, written permission from the child's physician shall be required.
FCPS personnel are only allowed to administer the recommended dosage. Any exceptions to the recommended dosage will require a physician's order.
All medications will be discarded by the school health staff if it is not picked up by the parent on or before the last day of school.
Self-Administration of Medication
Self-administration of any medication, with the exception of non-medicated lip balm, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, and saline solution is prohibited unless the self-administration adheres to the following conditions.
Conditions for Self-Administration of Medication
Students may possess and self-administer medications in accordance with this policy during the school day, at school-sponsored activities, or while on a school bus or other school property if the following conditions are met:
- Written parental consent (Form 7-5.3(A)F2) that the student may self-administer the medication must be on file with the school;
- Written notice from the student's primary care provider (Form 7-5.3(A)F2) must be on file with the school, indicating the identity of the student, stating the diagnosis, and approving the self-administration of medications that have been prescribed for the student; specifying the name and dosage of the medication, the frequency in which it is to be administered, the circumstances which may warrant its use; and attesting to the student's demonstrated ability to safely and effectively self-administer the medication; and
- An individualized health care plan such as forms 7-5.3(A)F1, 7-5.3(A)F2, 7-5.3(A)F3, 7-5.3(A)F4 must be on file. An emergency transportation plan should be prepared for any life threatening conditions.
- Self-administration of medications must be consistent with the Virginia School Health Guidelines and the Guidelines for Specialized Healthcare procedures, which are jointly issued by the Virginia Department of Education and the Virginia Department of Health.
Permission granted to a student to possess and self-administer medications will be effective for a period of one school year, and must be renewed annually. However, a student's right to possess and self-administer medications may be revoked if the student violates the policy. The appropriate school personnel will consult with the principal, student's parents, the student, and the school nurse/clinic attendant if the student violates this policy. The student may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with School Board Policy 7-3.1, Standards of Student Conduct, and the Code of Student Conduct.