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Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct Cover

Recognizing the importance of the dignity and worth of each individual, the Fauquier County School Board strives to provide a respectful atmosphere in all schools that is conducive to successful teaching and learning. The Board believes that in such an atmosphere the intellectual, physical, emotional, and social needs of students and teachers are met. The Board further believes that students, parents, administrators, teachers and all other staff members must work together to maintain a respectful school environment in which educational and extracurricular programs thrive.

It is the primary responsibility of students to preserve a climate of mutual respect and trust so the dignity of the individual can be protected and the pursuit of opportunities for each student may be realized. It is Fauquier County Public School’s (FCPS) responsibility to provide instruction to students regarding behavioral expectations. FCPS has adopted Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) as a model for providing instruction and support for students. It is the responsibility of administrators, teachers, and all other school staff to enforce this Code of Student Conduct and to be consistent and fair in the application of all School Board policies and all school rules and regulations. (Ref. 7-3.1)

Print the Code of Conduct here, or review it in the tabs below:

Non-Discrimination Clause/Equal Educational Opportunities

The Fauquier County Public Schools’ educational programs and services are designed to meet the varying needs of all students and shall not discriminate against any individual based on race, religion, color, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. Furthermore, no student shall, on the basis of gender, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted by the school division. The School Board encourages school division employees, patrons, and students to report promptly all incidents of alleged discriminatory conduct. Inquiries regarding compliance may be directed to the Executive Director of Student Services: (540) 422-7141; Title IX Coordinator: (540) 422-7141; Section 504 Coordinator: (540) 422-7143; These inquiries may also be addressed by sending a written request to the appropriate contact at 430 E. Shirley Avenue, Warrenton, VA 20186.