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Fast Facts

Fauquier County Public Schools, an innovative learning community, is committed to developing creative, confident, and knowledgeable citizens who are globally competitive by cultivating the potential of each learner


FCPS1 by the Numbers

Graduation Rate 2022-2023:


Drop-out Rate:

2% Cohort Year: 2023

Students Enrolled:

10,582 Spring SRC ADM

Per Pupil Expenditures:


Meals, Services, and Transportation

Meals Served:

Over 1,360,000

Students Receiving Special Education Services:

2,214 Spring SRC

Students Receiving Gifted/Talented Services:

1,544 as of 5/30 based on Ad Hoc

English Language Learners:

1,302 Spring SRC

Bus Routes:


Bus Riders:


Bus Miles Traveled:

Approx. 12,926 student miles per day

Bus Stops:
