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Academy Programs

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Fauquier County Public Schools is proud to host 3 unique STEM academies to prepare students for careers through hands-on experience, cross-curricular studies, industry certifications, and extracurricular opportunities. Academy students may receive medals, honor cords, certificates, and/or diploma seals at graduation if all requirements are completed.

Do you have questions about our academies? On the fence about applying?
Watch our Webinar here:

Our STEM Academies:


Academy Structure:

  • Each academy has a director who oversees the students, curriculum, and opportunities for that academy.
  • Each program has a series of required courses students must complete before graduation, along with a variety of recommended courses students can use to personalize their experience.
  • Any rising 9th grader with an interest in any of these academies may apply! Students selected to attend an academy that requires them to take classes away from their base school will be provided transportation to travel before school, during lunch, and/or after school, depending on their academy. Students who do not attend the high school where their academy is located will be half-day travel students much like our students who currently travel to other schools for JROTC and CTE programs. These students may be able to take other courses outside of the academy while at their travel schools and in a given year and they may travel during one or both terms, depending on course schedules. Please note: academy students who travel will remain registered at their base schools and their VHSL eligibility will remain at their base school as well.

Fauquier County Public Schools does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, religion, handicapping condition, or national origin in employment or in its educational programs. No person shall be denied access to courses solely because of an impairment that is unrelated to the ability to engage in activities involved in the course or program for which a selection has been made.