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FLE Objectives: Grades 6-10


G 6.1

Students will understand personal hygiene practices and the physical changes that occur during puberty. (Changes during puberty are discussed in relation to the increased need for personal hygiene.)

G 6.2

Students will recognize the effects of growth on development, attitudes and interests. (Provides opportunities for discussion of physical changes during puberty, and peer pressure.)

G 6.3

Students will continue to identify physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty and the effects on growth and development. (Topics are discussed in relation to male and female changes during puberty and positive attitude toward one’s sexuality.)

G 6.4

Students will recall basic facts about sexually transmitted infections.  (Factual information is presented regarding sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Gonorrhea, HPV, and Syphilis.  Diseases of the genitalia common to adolescents that are not sexually transmitted are described so as to allay unnecessary fears, such as vaginitis, urethritis, etc.).

G 6.5

Students will be able to describe the etiology, effects, and transmission of HIV. (Instruction includes factual information regarding HIV virus and its transmission.)

 G 6. 6

Students will summarize the process of human reproduction and the benefits of postponing premarital sexual activity. (This is a review of the reproductive process and the advantages of delaying sexual involvement. 

G 6.7

Students will describe personal characteristics that can contribute to happiness for themselves and others. (This includes self‑discipline, self‑esteem, and independence, acceptance of reality, acceptance of others, tolerance, etc)

G 6.8

Students will demonstrate increased understanding of child abuse and neglect, including emotional and sexual abuse. (This is accomplished by defining the types of abuse, including electronic harassment, and explaining the need to report such situations)

G 6.9

Students will become aware of community healthcare and safety agencies and their functions. (Instruction includes information about the availability of community agencies providing the following services: child abuse prevention; treatment of abuse victims; mental health counseling; etc.)

 G 6.10

Students will explain the effects of substance use and abuse on the individual, family, school, and society. (The effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on the individual, family, school, and society are presented with emphasis on adolescent brain development.)

G 6.11

Students will evaluate the messages from mass media related to sex and gender stereotyping. (The avoidance of sexual exploitation, sexual violence, sexual abuse - including electronic harassment - and stereotyping is stressed. Students will understand how the media affects mental health issues related to sexuality and how media can influence how people see themselves)

G 6.12

Students will identify laws protecting children from inappropriate and abusive behavior of others, including human trafficking.  (Differentiating between labor and human trafficking will be discussed, including the recognition that human trafficking is a crime. Ways students can protect themselves and others will be discussed.)

 G 6.13

Students will apply decision-making skills to solve specific problems and determine possible outcomes of their decisions. (Instruction includes steps in decision-making and problem solving.)



G 7.1

Students will identify their role and relationships within their family. (Content includes identification of personal interactions; communication skills and ways of meeting emotional, intellectual and physical needs within the family unit).

G 7.2

Students will recognize the physical development of their sex characteristics and how they may affect emotional and social growth. (Emphasis is placed on the biological and physiological changes of early adolescence.)

G 7.3

Students will realize that physical affection does not have to be sexual, but it can also be an expression of friendship, celebration, or of a loving family. (The student learns that appropriate expressions of affection are essential for emotional, physical and psychological health. The student will recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate physical affection.)

G 7.4

Students will recognize that sexual behaviors are conscious decisions; that it is important to say “no” to premarital and inappropriate sexual relationships; and that appropriate relationships are based on mutual respect, trust, and care. (Sexual feelings are interpreted as normal and to be expected, but not always to be manifested in behavior.)

G 7.5

Students will identify messages in society related to sexuality. (The teacher guides the student in discovering and analyzing messages about sexuality found in advertising media, music, television, videos, and printed material. Students are encouraged to engage in a variety of positive activities, rather than spending too much time viewing media containing negative components.)

G 7.6

Students will explore safety issues related to the Internet. (Instruction includes how predators can use the Internet to exploit young people, sex trafficking, and common techniques and lures used by internet predators.)

G 7.7

Students will be aware of the consequences of preteen and teenage sexual intercourse. (Instruction focuses on factual information regarding sexually transmitted infections, HIV, PID, unwanted pregnancy, and discussion about reputation, guilt and anxiety.)

G 7.8

Students will consider adverse consequences of a pregnancy in early adolescence, as well as the positive benefits of postponing pregnancy until marriage. (Instruction includes discussion of responsibilities involved and adverse consequences on adolescents, families and society.)

G 7.9

Students will describe signs and symptoms of pregnancy. (Instruction involves physical and psychological changes and the need for early detection of pregnancy.)

G 7.10

Students will develop an understanding of and responsibility for family planning. (Content includes reasons for family planning and factors to be considered when planning a family.)

G 7.11

Students will explain techniques for preventing and reporting sexual assault, human trafficking, and molestation. (Methods of handling assault and molestation as well as prevention methods. Community resources for victims are identified.)

G 7.12

Students will identify causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention, and transmission of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. (Topics include the nature, symptoms, and treatment of STIs)

G 7.13

Students will identify the issues associated with friendships. (The student accomplishes this by identifying characteristics of each type of friendship and how friendships may change through developmental stages.)

G 7.14

Students will realize the role of peers and the peer group during adolescence, and the nature and purpose of dating. (Discussion focuses on the qualities of friendships, the importance of participating in peer groups that encourage the development of positive personal traits, and the nature of dating.)

G 7.15

Students will recognize contributions of various racial and ethnic groups to family life and society. (Topics include the importance of racial and ethnic identity for families and the effects of negative stereotypes on families and individuals.)

G 7.16

Students will increase their ability to listen to different points of view and to accept the right of others to a differing point of view. (Positive communication skills are developed to enhance relationships and recognize various points of view within families and society.)




G 8.1

Students will relate stages of human development to their own developmental. (Students learn that people change as they age - physically, mentally, and emotionally.)

G 8.2

Students will recognize the development of sexuality as an aspect of the total personality. (The primary factor to be presented is the development of one’s own sexual identity.)

G 8.3

Students will become aware of the need to think through decisions and to take responsibility for them. (The impact of present decisions on future opportunities and personal development is stressed.)

G 8.4

Students will identify issues associated with friendship. (Students accomplish this by reviewing the characteristics of appropriate and inappropriate friendships by discussing the qualities of good friends.)

G 8.5

Students will recognize the nature of dating during adolescence. (Content includes the need for belonging, love, and affection, and the search for one’s own identity.)

 G 8.6

Students will interpret the messages in society related to sexuality. (Students will continue to discover and analyze messages about sexuality found in advertising media, music and videos, TV, films, Internet, printed material and graffiti.)

G 8.7

Students will describe strategies for saying “no” to premarital sexual relations. (The emphasis is on strengthening self-confidence and reinforcing assertive and decision-making skills.)

G 8.8

Students will develop coping skills needed to deal with stress. (Students identify possible sources of stress, such as parental, peer, and school pressures, and identify positive and negative ways individuals may deal with these sources of stress.)

G 8.9

Students will identify stresses related to changing relationships in home, school, and community. (Emphasis is placed on the grief and adjustment processes associated with a loss or change resulting from such circumstances as illness, death, divorce, loss of income, or coping with substance abuse.)

 G 8.10

Students will analyze issues related to teenage pregnancy. (The physical, social, emotional, legal, financial, educational, psychological and nutritional implications of pregnancy as well as the role of the teenage father and the adverse impact of pregnancy on both families are identified.)

G 8.11

Students will review facts about pregnancy prevention and disease control. (Methods of contraception are analyzed in terms of their effectiveness in preventing pregnancy and the spread of disease). Abstinence is emphasized as the only method that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy and most STIs.

G 8.12

Students will describe the effects of alcohol and drug abuse in families and peer relationships. (The effects of substance abuse on judgment within the peer group in terms of social and sexual behavior are analyzed.)

 G 8.13

Students will identify the effects and prevention of sexual assault, rape (including date rape), incestuous behavior, and molestation. (Content includes developing assertive skills, resolving conflict, avoiding risk situations, saying “no” and identifying other alternatives.)

 G 8.14

Students will recall the ways in which HIV is transmitted and techniques for preventing HIV infection. (This involves describing behaviors, and dispelling myths regarding the transmission of the virus, and stressing abstinence from risky behavior)



G 9.1

Students will understand the human growth and development cycle. (Information about developmental levels throughout the human life cycle is related to the complexity of child rearing and to the need for maturity before pregnancy.)

G 9.2

Students will explain the importance of the family as a basic unit of society and their responsibility as a member of a family. (Topics include the function and form of the family, family strength and influences on society.)

G 9.3

Students will recognize the development of sexuality as an aspect of total personality. (Discussion focuses on the development of one’s sexual identity.)

G 9.4

Students will review and apply the decision making process. (Students practice methods of gathering information and applying the decision-making process in practical situations.)

G 9.5

Students will review the nature and purposes of dating. (Topics include understanding family guidelines, the functions of dating, and coping with the pressures experienced in dating situations.)

G 9.6

Students will realize the importance of setting standards for controlling sexual behavior and postponing sexual relations until marriage.  (The physical, emotional, social, psychological, and economic consequences of premarital sexual relations continue to be emphasized.)

G 9.7

Students will interpret the effects and prevention of sexual assault, rape (including date rape), incestuous behavior and molestation.  (This is a review of the use of assertive skills, conflict resolution, avoidance of risk situations, and referral services in the community.)

G 9.8

Students will relate specific information on substance use and abuse to each stage of the life cycle.  (Emphasis is on substance use and abuse during pregnancy, puberty, and adolescence and its general effect on daily functioning.)

G 9.9

Students will be able to explain the process of reproduction.  (Instructional components include anatomy, physiology, conception, fertility, fetal development, childbirth, and prenatal care.)

G 9.10

Students will demonstrate understanding of specific health issues, including the ability to conduct self-examinations. (The focus is on factual information about menstruation, proper use of feminine hygiene products in relationship to cleanliness, disease prevention through self-assessment and self-examination is reinforced.)

G 9.11

Students will demonstrate knowledge of pregnancy prevention and disease control. (Topics include planning for adult relationships, a review of factors to consider in planning for family, misconceptions about contraception).

G 9.12

Students will explain the transmission and prevention of HIV. (This is a review of the ways in which HIV is transmitted and the need to prevent infection).

G 9.13

Students will identify the effects of discrimination. (The teacher helps students identify forms of discrimination and the consequences of discrimination on individual and family life).

G 9.14

Students will begin to identify educational and career goals. (Students formulate educational and career objectives).



G 10.1

Students will determine how maturation affects adolescents. (Emphasis is placed on the process of adolescent development as it relates to self-image, self-esteem, self-discipline, decision-making processes, and sources of values.)

G 10.2

Students will describe their own attitudes concerning expectations of self and interpersonal relationships. (Appropriate friendships, dating or group activities, stages of developing relationships, and individual and family roles are stressed.)

G 10.3

Students will examine the values, morals, and ethics essential to the growth and maintenance of positive human relationships. (The universal values of honesty, trustworthiness, self-control, and responsibility for self and others are stressed.)

G 10.4

Students will use the steps in the decision-making process to solve specific problems. (Instructios deals with the six steps of the decision-making process as they relate to personal, social, and peer pressure and to media messages.)

G 10.5

Students will recognize the need to abstain from premarital sexual intercourse. (Content focuses on the need to consider life-long goals in relation to pressures for present sexual activity.)

G 10.6

Students will recognize alternatives to premarital sexual intercourse for expressing feelings and affection. (Students are guided toward communicating feelings and affection through talking; expressing ideas, values, and goals.)

G 10.7

Students will explain the factors to be considered in preparing for dating and marriage. (Steps involved in relationships are identified, including friendships, dating and mate selection.  Dating violence and abusive relationships are included.)

G 10.8

Students will examine factors to be considered in life-goal planning. (Discussion includes life-long career goals in relation to economic and continuing education, considering possibilities of marriage, and preparing for a family and/or career plans.)

G 10.9

Students will describe the signs and symptoms of pregnancy. (Instruction involves physical and psychological changes and the need for early detection of pregnancy through medical testing to ensure a healthy and successful pregnancy.)

G 10.10

Students will analyze the factors associated with a healthy pregnancy. (Content focuses on causes of low birth weight and use of alcohol and other drugs as well as the effects of STD’s, including HIV.)

G 10.11

Students will explain the importance of supportive roles of the mother and father through pregnancy and birth. (Topics for discussion include the responsibilities of each parent in relation to proper prenatal care; and the effects of heredity.)

G 10.12

Students will describe available birthing options. (Birthing alternatives such as natural childbirth are discussed.)

G 10.13

The student will identify the stages of the birthing process. (The stages of the birthing process including the onset of the process and the three stages of labor and delivery are discussed.)

G 10.14

Students will analyze the skills and attitudes needed to become a competent parent. (Attitudes toward parenting styles and parenting skills are examined.)

G 10.15

Students will describe adjustments to be made after the birth of a child.  (The joy of a newborn and its impact on the family are discussed.)

G 10.16

Students will compile a list of community agencies and resources available to assist individuals and families.  (Examples of community resources, hot lines, etc. are compiled.)

G 10.17

Students will review the positive aspects of family life as a basic unit of society and as a means of personal development. ( Included is a review of family functions and forms.)


If you have questions or concerns about FLE content or how lessons will be delivered to your 6th-10th grade student, the BEST thing you can do is reach out to your child's teacher! 

Parents and guardians have the right to review the family life education program offered by their school division, including written and audio-visual educational materials used in the program. Parents and guardians also have the right to excuse their child from all or part of family life education instruction.

Parents are welcome to observe class instruction, so please contact your child's teacher and/or principal ahead of time to make arrangements. If you would like to review FLE curriculum materials, please contact Linda Correll, Instructional Supervisor for Science & Physical Education.