High School HPE Course Offerings
All Fauquier County Public Schools students are expected to take Health & Physical Education 9 and Health & Physical Education 10 to meet graduation requirements. However, Adapted PE may be offered as an alternative for students who are medically unable to participate in these courses. Virginia requires high school students be trained in emergency first aid, the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED), and hands-on practice for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) before graduation. These skills are taught in Health & PE 9.
For students who would like to dive deeper into their interests in physical health and activity, we have a variety of electives available.
For more information about the courses listed below and their prerequisites, please visit the Academic Counseling section to review the current Program of Studies or contact Linda Correll - Instructional Supervisor for Science, Health, and Physical Education.
- Health & Physical Education 9
- Health & Phyiscal Education 10
- Adapted PE
- Advanced Physical Education I
- Advanced Physical Education II
- Life Fitness I
- Life Fitness II
- Life Fitness III
- Unified PE
- Sports Medicine I
- Sports Medicine II
- Health & PE Fitness Instructor