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History and Social Science

The purpose of the History and Social Science curriculum is to promote a civic-minded, democratic society and guide students to know and understand our national heritage in order to become informed participants in shaping our nation's future. The Fauquier County Public School History and Social Science curriculum is based on the Virginia Standards of Learning which are designed to:

  • develop the knowledge and skills of history, geography, civics, and economics that enable students to place the people, ideas, and events that have shaped our state and our nation in perspective;
  • instill in students a thoughtful pride in the history of America through an understanding that what "We the People of the United States" launched more than two centuries ago was not a perfect union, but a continual effort to build a "more perfect" union, one which has become the world's most successful example of constitutional self-government;
  • enable students to understand the basic values, principles, and operation of American constitutional democracy;
  • prepare students for informed, responsible, and participatory citizenship;
  • develop students' skills in debate, discussion, and writing; and
  • provide students with a framework for continuing education in history and the social sciences.