Math Acceleration Programs
In an effort to ensure that all students receive the best and most appropriate mathematics instruction, the Mathematics Department, Gifted Department, and Department of Instruction have collaborated to review the overall philosophy of how to best meet the needs of our students in mathematics at each grade level. As educators, we believe that the ultimate goal is to provide the most academically challenging curriculum for our students while helping them foster and maintain a love of mathematics and build a mindset that all children can learn math to the highest level.
With the implementation of the 2016 Mathematics Standards from the Virginia Department of Education, students are considered “Algebra Ready” at the completion of Math 8. The foundations of mathematics serve as stepping stones to develop higher-level applications of concepts, so it is imperative that students meet grade-level expectations before moving on to the next chapter of their mathematical journey.
With this in mind, the grade 3-8 math progressions have been designed to ensure that all requisite skills are taught, and students have multiple opportunities to demonstrate their preparedness for the rigors of the next level of mathematics. Again, our goal is to ensure that your child is academically challenged, and that the pace and depth of the course meet your child’s needs. (A copy of the progressions is available upon request.)
To that end, teachers will use multiple points of reference to ensure that all students are placed in the most appropriate mathematics course for their learning needs. The following items will be used to help determine each child’s placement:
- Grades and SOL Test Results
- CogAT Percentiles
- Performance Assessments
- Math League/FCPS Evaluations
- Teacher Recommendations
Parents/families will be notified at the end of the school year regarding the recommended placement in mathematics for the following year. We strive to ensure that our decisions are “student-centered” and feel that utilizing these data points and conversations with teachers will help us meet the learning needs of each student at this time.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school administrator.