High School Science
Fauquier County offers high school science courses in four science disciplines: Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Students should keep track of the discipline for each course taken to ensure completion of diploma requirements.
Students seeking the Advanced Diploma will need a minimum of four science courses in at least three different disciplines.
Students seeking the Standard Diploma will need at least three science courses in two different disciplines.
NOTE: To graduate, students must have at least ONE of their science credits verified by passing an end-of-course (EOC) state assessment for that course. EOC tests are available for introductory Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry courses. However, Biology is the test needed for federal accountability of schools under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), so Fauquier County students will be asked to take and pass the Biology EOC test at the end of this course.
For more information about the courses below, please visit the Academic Counseling section to view the current Program of Studies or contact Linda Correll - Instructional Supervisor for Science, Health, and Physical Education.
To learn more about the Virginia Science Standards of Learning, please visit the Science section of the VDOE Website.
Discipline: Earth Science
- Earth Science*
- Earth Science Honors*
- Astronomy (Earth Science II)
- Geology (Earth Science II)
- Oceanography (Earth Science II)
Discipline: Biology
- Biology*
- Biology Honors*
- Ecology (Biology II)
- Anatomy & Physiology (Biology II)
- Marine Biology (Biology II)
- AP Biology
Discipline: Chemistry
- Chemistry*
- AP Chemistry
Discipline: Physics
- Physics
- AP Physics I
- AP Physics II
These courses may be taken for Earth Science OR Biology credit:
- Environmental Science
- AP Environmental Science
*These courses have an end-of-course SOL test that may be used to earn a verified credit towards graduation. However, the Biology SOL test is used for federal accreditation of schools.