How to Enroll
Getting Started in Fauquier County Public Schools
Welcome to Fauquier County Public Schools! Whether you are new to our area or the parent of a soon-to-be kindergarten student, all of the information you need to enroll your child in Fauquier County Public Schools can be found right here. For help in another language, call the Welcome Center at 540-422-7118.
Getting Started in Fauquier County Public Schools
Welcome to Fauquier County Public Schools! Whether you are new to our area or the parent of a soon-to-be kindergarten student, all of the information you need to enroll your child in Fauquier County Public Schools can be found right here. For help in another language, call the Welcome Center at 540-422-7118.
Age Requirements
To enter kindergarten, your child must be 5 years old on or before September 30th of the current school year and reside in Fauquier County with a parent or legal guardian. If you choose to opt-out your Kindergarten-age child, please fill out the Kindergarten Opt-Out Request Form.
Acceptable Proofs of Residency
Required Documents Spanish Required Documents
Physical Examination
A comprehensive physical examination performed within the twelve months prior to the date the child first enters a public kindergarten or elementary school (K-5) is required prior to official enrollment in August. The Physical Examination form must be signed by a health professional.
Forms are available at each school and online. School Health Entrance Form.
Evidence of Required Immunization
Virginia law requires every student to be immunized against certain diseases (see Code of Virginia §22.1-271.2). Students who lack the required proof of immunization will be barred from attending school. Objections based on religious grounds may be discussed with the school principal.
- 4 DPT or DTap - At least one dose of DTap or DTP after 4th birthday.
- TDAP Booster - A booster dose of Tdap is required for all children entering the seventh (7) grade if at least five years have passed since the last dose of tetanus containing vaccine.
- 4 Polio - At least one dose after 4th birthday. 1 dose must be administered on or after the fourth birthday.
- Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine - A minimum of 2 measles, 2 mumps, and 1 rubella. First dose must be administered at age 12 months or older. Second dose of vaccine must be administered prior to entering kindergarten but can be administered at any time after the minimum interval between dose one and dose two.
- Hepatitis B - At least 3 doses required (2 doses if Merck adult formulation given between 11-15 years of age).
- Hepatitis A - Two properly spaced doses. First dose should be administered at 12 months or older.
- 2 Varicella ( Chicken Pox) - Effective March 3, 2010, a second dose must be administered prior to entering kindergarten but can be administered at any time after the minimum interval between dose one and dose two.
NOTE: Tdap-booster required for entry into 7th grade if at least 5 years since last tetanus containing vaccine. Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine ( MenACWY, MCV4, Men B) - Effective July 1, 2021 two properly spaced doses of meningococcal conjugate vaccine ( MenACWY). The first dose shall be administered prior to 7th grade. The second dose shall be administered prior to the 12th grade. Students in grades 8 and above ( school year 2021) will not need to go back and receive the 7th grade MenACWY dose, and they will pick up with the 12th grade MenACWY dose. Rising 12th grade students will be required to have 1 dose of the MenACWY prior to school entry.